In addition to a full medical intake, we will order a comprehensive workup when necessary. There are a variety of laboratory tests offered to assess overall health, nutritional status, hormones, food allergies/sensitivities, digestion and gastrointestinal function.
Many of the conventional labs are ordered through LabCorp or Sonora Quest. Often these are covered by a patient's insurance. There are also a number of other labs used for a more comprehensive workup. Insurance coverage varies depending on the test.
There are a variety of different laboratory tests that may be ordered by the doctor. Some of these may include:
A comprehensive nutritional evaluation that measures vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other essential micronutrients within the body's blood cells. This analysis reveals a person's nutritional status over a long period of time making it a more effective measurement compared to other nutritional testing.
A finger-stick blood test to evaluate IgG and IgA food sensitivities. The test evaluates reactions to many different foods and is a tool to help guide elimination diets.
The Organic Acid test offers a comprehensive evaluation of an individual's overall health by measuring metabolic byproducts in a person's urine. The OAT accurately measures levels of intestinal yeast and bacteria, many of which are often missed with conventional laboratory testing. The test also evaluates carbohydrate digestion and mitochondrial function, while also measuring levels of certain vitamins and neurotransmitters.
This test offers a comprehensive evaluation of overall health of the gastrointestinal tract. The analysis evaluates digestion/absorption markers, gut metabolic markers, gut microbiology markers, ova & parasite identification.
Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) is an enzyme that converts folic acid into a usable form. It is a key enzyme in an important detoxification reaction in the body (one that converts homocysteine, which is toxic, to methionine, which is benign). If this enzyme is impaired, the detoxification reaction is impaired and homocysteine can build up in the blood. This can cause cardiovascular damage.
Impairment of the MTHFR enzyme can also compromise other methylation reactions in the body, including neurotransmitter function. So, MTHFR activity has also been linked to depression/anxiety. Inefficiency of the MTHFR enzyme has also been linked to migraines, autism, ADHD, fertility, cancer and birth defects because all of these depend on proper methylation.
A gene is responsible for how well the MTHFR enzyme works. A blood test can identify whether or not an individual has variant copies of the MTHFR gene.
A simple throat swab done in office to evaluate for the presence of a bacterial throat infection caused by the Streptococcus bacteria.
Urine test done in office to evaluate for a number of different conditions, including, infection, inflammation, diabetes, kidney disease, liver disease, other metabolic disorders.
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