Dr. Kiera Smialek


Dr. Kiera Smialek


Dr. Kiera Smialek is a licensed naturopathic doctor with a passion for children. Dr. Smialek focuses on patients between birth and 21 years of age. As a pediatric naturopathic physician, Dr. Smialek specializes in treating many common childhood conditions including, abdominal pain, allergies, asthma, behavioral disorders, colds/flu, colic, constipation, developmental delays, diarrhea, ear infections, food allergies, growth disturbances, sleep issues, obesity, rashes, and teething. Dr. Smialek also performs well baby/child exams, as well as sports physicals. As an alternative vaccine provider, Dr. Smialek advises parents on alternative vaccine schedules.

Dr. Smialek is highly trained in the field of pediatrics. After graduating from the Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine (SCNM), she completed a one-year residency in general medicine, followed by another year-long pediatric residency at SCNM. She is a board member of the Pediatric Association of Naturopathic Physicians, as well as the American Board of Naturopathic Pediatrics. She is one of the first in the country to be board certified as a pediatric naturopathic physician and is considered a specialist in naturopathic pediatrics.

Originally from Pittsburgh, PA, Dr. Smialek has enjoyed traveling and living in Australia and England. She now resides in Phoenix, AZ with her husband and daughter. Outside of her passions for naturopathic medicine and treating children, Dr. Smialek enjoys fitness, yoga and cooking. As a classically trained singer, she also takes pleasure in music and singing.

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8952 E Desert Cove Ave, Ste 208. Scottsdale, AZ 85260
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